Start Your
Career with
Canine Country Club
To inquire about specific job availability,
We are always on the look out for top talent with a passion for Pet Care and the drive to succeed. Take a look at the positions we hire for and feel free to apply. All positions require flexibility to work both Morning and Evening shifts along with weekends and Holidays. We are always accepting applications.

Pet Care Specialist:Our entry level position is a great starting place for students or for those wanting to begin a career in the Pet Care Industry. Hours vary by season with limited need during the winter months. Responsibilities include hands on pet care, feeding, walking, cleaning and all things Dog and cat related. Part Time Position.
 Playgroup Coordinator: On the Job training is provided to learn this specified skill. Our playgroup Coordinators are trained in Canine body language and Dog to Dog interactions. They are taught how to recognize uncomfortable body language and intervene before it becomes an issue. Much of their time is spent outside standing watch over group play, interacting with each dog and maintaining a controlled and safe play environment. This is a great position for those who excel in a fast-paced environment and can notice small details amidst many distractions. Generally, a Part Time Position but is a vital stepping stone towards growth in the career path.
 Guest Services:This position is for those who excel and enjoy Customer Service, and have a love for furry things. While all Guest Services employees do get to interact and help with pet care, their main responsibilities are communicating with our Human Clients. Joyful, smiling faces are what we look for to fill the seats at the Front Desk. Can be a Full or Part Time position.
 Supervisor:Our Supervisors are staff who show exceptional leadership among their co-workers. They oversee the Day-to-Day routine and coordinate all the staff scheduled on their shift. This position requires previous Pet Care and Play Group experience and employees in this position will find themselves involved in every aspect of our services – from Customer Service to Poop Clean up. Can be a Full or Part-Time position.
 Groomer:This is a specialized position that requires previous experience and know-how. Our groomers are expected to be able to complete their grooms start to finish on a wide range of breeds. Groomers need to be self-motivated and excel in both customer service, and grooming skills. This is a commission base position.